Sunny skies and rising temperatures. Summer is here. The summer does make the environment a pleasant place, but most of the time, it isn’t pleasant for the people living in it.
It’s that time when you can’t wait to get home from work, switch on the AC, and just glue yourself to the couch hoping – nay, praying that the weather improves the next day. That’s summer in 30 words or less.
But we can’t just stop living our lives. We need to shop, for summer clothing, of course! The problem, however, lies in the lack of strength to go out and face the heat. Next, we need to go out on dates, but all we want to do is Netflix and Chill @ 18 degrees or less. Next, we need to hang out with our friends. But none of them want to face the heat, either. The only thing you can do, is stay glued to the couch, and text them.
The Keyboard is a Lamp, There’s a Genie Inside
The one thing you absolutely need, to text people, is a keyboard.
The keyboard is present in more than 90% of your interactions with your mobile device. Why not use this keyboard to get things done? This is exactly what we went for with Xploree. A keyboard that thinks, and gets things done while texting. Nifty, right?
So while you’re texting people, Xploree, is busy finding the most relevant results for you without you having to explicitly tell it to do anything. The Ideal Genie.
Discoveries on Xploree
We all love it when we discover things in life.Well, discover this –
With Xploree, you can enjoy seamless browsing minus the hassle of switching apps; AND Without Xploree, you can continue to hate the experience of doing multiple things on your mobile device on different apps.
The Xploree keyboard brings users face to face with cab, food, entertainment, utilities, solutions and many similar bagful of discoveries while they continue chatting (the “mobile interlude” as we call it).
Whatever it is you’re talking about buying/using/doing, Xploree has contextually aware suggestions to provide you a means to do it. The best part? You don’t really need to leave your couch.

Shop, Dine, Text, Repeat!
The next time you’re on your couch, and are texting your friends about how you could kill for pizza, Xploree can show you coupons for your favourite pizza place with a direct shortcut to order one. Same goes for any other cuisine. That skirt you were talking about with your besties? Xploree shows you the best prices and offers from popular online retailers. Whatever you need, just like the couch – Xploree has your back.
So let’s rewrite summer in 30 words or less – That time when you can’t wait to get home from work, turn up the AC, and continue living your life while getting things done, like a boss.