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User Experience is the Key to Brand Awareness and Recall

Every day we use products and services that seem as much a part of our lives as our friends or the air around us. It’s hard to imagine that, once, these products were unknown to us. The four different steps that are usually traced through a buyer’s journey are: Awareness, Interest, Intent and Action. Usually, if more attention is paid to building awareness and recall, the action or conversion comes easy.
Awareness is the first step in discovery. We become aware of things that interest us through a wide variety of ways — seeing them in shops, hearing about them from friends and through the media, and (more often these days) social applications. Simplifying consumer experience by making discovery easier is the key to making an immediate connection with your customers.
Interest comes next. The user might have been made aware of new products and services but if they do not interest the user, there’s no point in going further. Here’s where contextual targeting comes in the picture. The more relevant information is shown to the users, the more the interest is in knowing further. The consumers are ready to know more, discovery is easier with the small computer that we carry around in our pockets and purses every day. There’s a need to present information that is most relevant and personalized to user interests.
Intent is a big player in all conversions. Intent drives the desire to acquire information, object or service. Where there is intent, there’s a decision making process involved. When a user searches for car repair services, the intent is clear. There is an incredible opportunity in providing content based on user intent, not only to the benefit of marketers but also for a meaningful user experience.
There’s a reason why interest supersedes intent. “I might not have had the intent to know or buy something, but since it has piqued my interest, my intent to know more has been influenced.”
Action usually follows when all the above conditions have been satisfied. “A point where I am aware of the information or service, it interests me, I have the intent to get that information or service, the final decision process is simplified. I will now look for the action ‘buttons’ to complete what I intent to do.” This is where mobile commerce has to be ready to let the user complete the intended action in as few steps as possible.
Brand Awareness
Brand awareness or recognition is measured by how a user is able to recognize the brand logo or product being displayed in the marketing messages. The more we see the more we know, the more we know the more we trust and the more we trust the more engaged we are. This is true with any information, brand or service that we come across in our daily lives. For marketers this visibility if of immense importance to improve consumers recognition of your brand.
Brand Recall
Brand recall is measured by how many times users were able to recall the brand name, product or service when prompted or during their encounter with similar or competing products. Probability of recall increases with the number of times a user views or interacts with a brand image, it could be either a logo, a well-known product or simply appealing consistent messaging. Recognition and recall both play an important part in influencing a user toward decision and ultimately affects consumers buying behaviour. With the short attention span on mobile, it becomes more important for marketers to focus on increasing perceptual identification of a brand and do it often enough so that consumers can increase brand familiarity. Customer experience matters and the more we focus on delivering in context, immediacy and with simplicity the more we’ll see a growth in user engagement.
How Xploree Strengthens Brand Awareness and Recall
The important role of advertising is to enhance visibility and awareness of products and services. However, when artificial intelligence solutions understand intent and map them to the right service, brand, and information – a whole new world of user driven brand connect opportunity emerges. This drives the industry away from Advertising as it exists today to a more searchable and discoverable brand and service experience for the user.
“Think about a world where Ad Technology is searchable, discoverable by user. The huge inventory of brand offerings out there today are not searchable by a user. They are the least discoverable based on users’ current intent. We are here to bridge this gap. With Xploree, we are letting users take control of this brand and service connect experience across applications.” Says Prima Dona, VP Product Innovation at KeyPoint Technologies.
With Xploree we have one of the most innovative solutions for brands to connect with their consumers in their exact moment of need.  An effective mobile user experience, delivering in immediacy, hyper-context and with hyper-engagement, Xploree is getting a lot of user love on the Google PlayStore as it delivers in hyper-relevancy and gives users complete control to view recommendations as and when they want. We invite you to know more about Xploree Search and Discovery Platform that’s delivering an exceptionally high rate of 60-75% brand connect opportunity on mobile today. The ability to reach users at the right time, in right context is the holy grail of user-engagement. Contact us to know more
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